This is NOT the complaint we’re having this Easter season. “Oh I do declare, this sweltering 36 degrees is suffocating, darling!”
I don’t know about you, but I’ve lost my patience waiting for spring! From the droning on and on all over the social media sites about this grotesquely grueling winter that WILL NOT QUIT, I’ve had to come up with very creative ways to go to my happy place. In case any of you were wondering, my happy place is in the sunshine, the warmth, and baring bare shoulders, gosh beaver dam it!
This was my status message to all my comrades on my personal Facebook page yesterday:
This never-ending weather has turned me into Archie Bunker. I am officially a grouchy curmudgeon. I’ve been fighting against it, but now I’m throwing in the towel. This is my disclaimer that my usual devil-may-care, playful self is now being overrun by a crotchety hag. If you’ve got a problem with it, take it up with Mother Nature. We are no longer on speaking terms. She sold me out for Old Lady Winter and she knows I hate that beotch.
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