As I am sitting here hanging out in my favorite garden gnome jams, I am thinking about how as much as I love to play dress up, I am alllll about the comfort zone! (And don’t I know it this week! It’s Mini Maven’s Spring Break and we are lappin’ it up like a bowl full of warm milk!) As I have stated over and over and over again…… I am a collector of many things. One of the things I collect is pajamas. And not just *any* pajamas, but ones that I think suit my personality. ::grin:: I am a ginormous fan of Nick & Nora Pajamas. You can find these just about anywhere; including superstores like Target — or Tar-jay, as so many of us like to say when we fancy sounding fance-say. Of all the topnotch PJs out there, Nick & Nora make the most cozy, comfy, snuggled-down jammies on the market. I kid you not! (And I kid you more often times than not, so…)
I LOVE pajamas. If it were up to me, they would be suitable outerwear and daily attire. I mean, c’mon, folks…! Life is short! Don’t you all enjoy being free to flow and having free-flow? Oh, you knooow you do! I have a good friend, of whom I call DEElicious, who is cringing right now, and chewing her nails down to bloody stumps, because she abhors when people go out in public in their jams, but I can’t deny that I am guilty as charged. Book me, Dano!
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