Guess what, Ravin’ Mavens? It’s MARCH! Even though we’re expecting some snow & ice tonight, spring is marchin’ in! ::SQUEE:: But guess what ELSE, Ravin’ Mavens? Tomorrow we get the keys to our new headquarters! Hyped does not even describe it! Darling Hotbuns & I halt, in whatever it is we’re doing, just about every hour on the hour and say, “Did you know…… we’re getting a new house tomorrow?!” I foresee very little sleeping going on tonight — it already feels like Christmas Eve and it’s only 2:27 in the afternoon. We’re going to be up giggling & whispering all night long. ::beam::
So, of COURSE I am already daydreaming & scheming about our new place. If you could draw up blueprints *just* for decorating, well, I’ve already done that. However, we just dropped a heap on the house, alone, and all our monthly bills have increased quite substantially, so we’re not going to be furnishing the house overnight. This actually excites me because I LOVELOVELOVE the thrill of a good hunt! I enjoy the quest almost as much as the find, and once I find something, I’m pleased as punch if it then becomes a project. Even as much as the bones of the house have me over the moon like the cow (as the dish & the spoon run away to brand-new cabinets with granite countertops!), I am reeeally — and reeling — looking forward to putting some sweat & sentimental tears into making it warm & wondrous for years & years.
One of the things I have ALWAYS wanted was a library in my house. That, of course, is a farfetched, unreasonable dream. Even though we have more space than we know what to do with, there are two other people living in it, so I wouldn’t hog a whole room all to myself. Yet, I DO need a place to store all my books. In our current residence, we have an office with one whole wall that is built-in bookshelves (::SWOON::), but I STILL have boxes and boxes of books in the closets. When I love a book, I save it forever. And because I love books sooo much — their texture, their smell, their hardbacks, their jackets, the crackle of their spines, the indentation of the printed ink (not just their content) — I underline words I may not know, highlight stanzas that resound through me, dog-ear pages I want to get to in a flip, and leave notes/names in the margins. Thereupon, I now have my own library-worth of books. ::covet:: I’d just faint from euphoria to have one whole room full of built-in bookshelves from floor to ceiling (with a card catalog!), but who’s to say I can’t have book storage just as keen?! No one! And this is when I started hoarding ideas for bookhomes in our new one. I’m going to share a few of them with you in case you’re a bookworm magpie, just as I!
Keep calm & READ on, dollfaces! Happy March — be happier than a March hare.
~ Angelika Frangelico *Gros bisous*
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