Stylish kid about town’! Check out this take on the traditional rocking horse from JIP. Buy it for £40 from DotMaison.
In spite of the fact that I like to find spiffy, retrotastic new/old things, I think we’ve already established that I actually detest the act of shopping. I loathe going out to chain stores and shuffling through merchandise. I find it mind-numbing & stressful. I *don’t* feel this way about Internet shopping though! In fact, I greatly enjoy it like a hunt for a buried treasure. ::grin:: Even when I have no plans of purchasing anything, I get a kick out of finding something — a unique gem — that I’d enjoy having. So, sometimes when the weather is grim, or I’ve just finished a book and I am missing my characters too much to delve into another one just yet, I start traipsing through the www. I find it cathartic & thrilling to stumble upon — following link after link after link — that crazy cool something that tickles my fancy. I seldom buy anything, but I feel as thought I unravelled & cracked a secret code when I’ve discovered something truly interesting, like an archeological dig of I DIG this! I realize I am only doing what all of you do, but don’t whizz in my Cornflakes. ::chortle:: I like to share!
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